In the year 2020, the spread of the Covid-19 virus has had an impact on all aspects of people's daily lives, including education and the way of accessing it, an area with which we worked in this report, specifically with young people in the 5th, 6th and 7th years of secondary schools in the cities of Villa María and San Francisco, Córdoba.
In principle, a questionnaire was developed that highlights academic data, emotional and technological issues, and aspects related to learning. Then, these questions were disseminated and 58 responses were obtained and have been analyzed.
Throughout this analysis, the reflections of several authors have been taken into account, especially the contributions of Morin (1999), who allows us to rethink the chosen theme based on the socio-historical context, emphasizing the characteristic of uncertainty, so typical of pandemic times.
It is worth mentioning that in the development of the analysis, different didactic resources have been used ("memes" and illustrative images) with which the surveyed generation is familiar, and which will also contribute dynamism to the reading of the report.
Education, Pandemic, ComunicationLicense
Copyright (c) 2022 María Celeste Allasia, Paula Barrera, Leonela Puente, Julieta Maldonado
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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