Security policies, municipalities and technologies in Córdoba.
Reflections from a mapping of local initiatives.
This article aims to present the preliminary results of the "Mapping of Citizen Security and Crime Prevention Policies in the local governments of the Province of Córdoba" carried out by the Observatory of Public Policies of the National University of Villa María together with students and researchers of the IAP of Social Sciences during the year 2022. The aim of this mapping is to describe and analyse the different local initiatives in the field of security in the twenty-six municipalities that make up the departmental capitals of the province. The study was based on a qualitative exploratory design based on documentary reviews and interviews with key actors in local security management.
On this occasion, the public policies of five municipalities are described in a comparative manner, taking into account the following aspects: the articulation between the municipal and provincial levels of government, the main problems and conflicts identified by governmental actors and the processes of incorporating security technologies. The interpretative key of the paper revolves around the interest in understanding the role that local governments have been playing in security matters, identifying the strengths and obstacles that arise in their territorial realities.
security policies, municipality, public management, technologies, crimeLicense
Copyright (c) 2023 Juliana Teresa Rodríguez, Débora Judith Goldin, Ornella Cordero Alé
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Constitución de la Nación Argentina
Ley n°10437 de la Provincia de Córdoba