El desierto y su semilla by Jorge Barón Biza
A story of violence and femicide in an identity key
Jorge Barón Biza's work is complex in thematic, rhetorical and enunciative nuances. His prose unfolds, configuring a literary world that plays, both with linguistic resources and aesthetics, to build fictions that put the reader before an outstanding interpretive work. The desert and its seed is perhaps the author's most widely read novel, with elaborate prose that recreates painful moments from Biza's own life. References in history to gender violence and femicide, allow a reflection, from fiction, on this particular crime that crosses contemporaneity. In this article we outline an analysis of the literary configurations of femicide and the particular way of configuring the woman's body as the place of identity.
literature, fiction, woman, violence, femicideLicense
Copyright (c) 2023 Fabian Mossello
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Biza Barón, J. (1998). El desierto y su semilla. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Trips ePub.
Fuentes, C. (1996). Las buenas conciencias. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Gandolfo, E. (2007). El libro de los géneros. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Norma.
Mossello, F. & Melana, M. (2014). El discurso del policial. Reconfiguraciones del género en la sociedad contemporánea. Córdoba, Argentina: Eduvim.
Sábato, E. (2011). El túnel. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Austral.
Consultas web
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