Epistemological problems of the Orthodox Economy from the Periphery: a critical view at the Braun and Llach Model


  • Stéfano Alesandro Tiezzi Universidad Nacional de Villa María
  • Giovanni Valentino Tiezzi Universidad Nacional de Villa María


The production of scientific knowledge by the orthodox economy of the world periphery brings with it various epistemological problems caused, in part, by the positivist approach to science. Among this production, the Braun and Llach Model tries to explain the Argentine economic reality from a logical concatenation with foreign theories. After the description of its main premises and some of the epistemological assumptions on which it is based, we proceed to problematize, mainly with the help of the critical epistemological approach, its relationship between the investigating subject and the object of study, the correspondence between theory and reality, and the influence of context on scientific knowledge that the peripheral orthodox economics assumes. Finally, the explanatory rigor of the model in question is judged from the analysis of macroeconomic variables in the period 2015-2019 in Argentina, all guided by the hypothesis that the Braun and Llach Model is actually just self-justifying and it is useless in practice.


Braun and Llach Model, Epistemology, Orthodox peripheric economy, Positivist approach, Critical approach

Author Biographies

Stéfano Alesandro Tiezzi, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Ciencia Política. 

Giovanni Valentino Tiezzi, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Economía y la Tecnicatura en Contabilidad.


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How to Cite

Tiezzi, S. A., & Tiezzi, G. V. (2023). Epistemological problems of the Orthodox Economy from the Periphery: a critical view at the Braun and Llach Model. Sociales Investiga, (13). Retrieved from https://socialesinvestiga.unvm.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/socialesinvestiga/article/view/587



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