The establishment of the pattern of sustainable development and its effect on water pollution and the treatment of Hazardous Waste, based on the cases of the flooding of the Taym plant and the privatization of Aguas Cordobesas


  • Francesca Difilippo UNVM
  • Guadalupe Casas UNVM


Sustainable development, water pollution, hazardous waste


For this article, we have decided to reflect on the establishment of the global pattern of sustainable development during the period 1990-2000, and how it influenced the city of Córdoba, Argentina in order to account for the factors that gave rise to certain mechanisms. that structured the government policy that was conceived at that time and that makes the historical-environmental reality that occurs today, mainly regarding the problem of water pollution.

We will analyze specific cases that became milestones in the environmental issue of water in our city, such as the flooding of the Taym plant in 2017, and the case of the privatization of the "Aguas Cordobesas" water service, examples that demonstrate the way in which environmental policies, elaborated from international experiences and mandates, influenced the political-economic structures of our territories, affecting power relations, increasing the concentration of capital and deepening the social inequality that had already been developing in the past. country, both internally and externally, as well as the actions of the different actors of society before the deployment of this environmental management structure.


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How to Cite

Difilippo, F., & Casas, G. (2022). The establishment of the pattern of sustainable development and its effect on water pollution and the treatment of Hazardous Waste, based on the cases of the flooding of the Taym plant and the privatization of Aguas Cordobesas. Sociales Investiga, (12). Retrieved from



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