The role of Argentine environmental social movements in the COP26


  • Candela Marinángeli Estudiante UNVM
  • Clara Marcellino Universidad Nacional de Villa María


COP26, Jóvenes por el Clima Argentina, Crisis, Social movements, Climate change


The adoption of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement were a key milestone to act decisively and meet the relevant challenges to achieve the sustainable development and treat the climate change problem.

So the COP26 in Glasgow is very important to approach in those topics and work for a comprehensive planner between the global north and south.

In an unprecedented context, the mitigation and adaptation policy that the nations do it are very fundamental. In the conference, among the participants, stands out the presence and participation of the youth. The development environmental were there in the representation of them. An example of that is Jóvenes por el Clima Argentina.

The militant youth is an important sector of the society in the decision making for a sustainable future because the determinations that the actors do or not in this COP, will decide the quality of life of the presents and futures generation. So is indispensable that the voices of young activists being listen, even more that of those who represented the countries that more suffer and will suffer the terrible consequences of climate changes.


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How to Cite

Marinángeli, C., & Marcellino, C. (2022). The role of Argentine environmental social movements in the COP26. Sociales Investiga, (12). Retrieved from



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