Movement and women

A story of conquering rights


  • Yohana del Valle Artico Fenoglio IAPSC - UNVM
  • Erika Decándido IAPCS - UNVM


In this document we share notes prepared for the dissemination of a socio-historical view of the structures of inequality based on gender, and of the processes of organization and struggle of women for their questioning and transformation. The presentation of “Women in Movement: a history of conquering rights” was part of a series of talks organized by the extension project “Female protagonism in the Latin American agricultural sector”. The project is part of the IAPSC-UNVM and CELC, Alborada, Mujeres Rurales Argentinas and FECOFE participate in it. Its objective is to provide tools for the recognition, vindication and acceptance of women in the agricultural sector through reflection and debate. Based on this, we use an accessible language for a non-specialized audience and diverse resources to introduce, in an introductory way, concepts such as gender, patriarchy, intersectionality, appealing to their relevance to recognize and understand gender inequalities that run through everyday experience. We also go through the history of the women's struggle based on the presentation of periodizations anchored in Latin American particularities.


Gender, Feminisms, Patriarchy, intersectionality, waves


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Barrancos, D. (2010). Mujeres en la sociedad argentina. Una historia de cinco siglos. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana

De Beauvoir, S. (1981). El segundo sexo (1949). Buenos Aires: Siglo XX.

Federici, S. (2014). El Calibán y la Bruja. 4ª edición. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.

Gamba S. B. (2009). Diccionario de estudios de género y feminismos. Buenos Aires: Biblos.

Ministerio de la Mujer (s/f). Informe de gestión. Primer Semestre 2021. Recuperado de:

Pérez Bustos, T. (2016). La necesidad de revelar la pregunta epistemológica en la teoría feminista. Interdisciplina. 4(8). 189-200. Recuperado de:

Segato, R. L. (2016). La guerra contra las mujeres. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.

Suárez Tomé, D. (2019). El mar proceloso del feminismo: ¿En qué ola estamos? Ecofeminita. Recuperado de:

Vazquez Laba, V. (2019). Feminismos, género y transgénero. Breve historia desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. San Martín: UNSAM Edita.



How to Cite

Artico Fenoglio, Y. del V., & Decándido, E. (2022). Movement and women: A story of conquering rights. Sociales Investiga, (11), 43–56. Retrieved from



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