Reflections for a post-pandemic world or to shock the perception of a stopped time


  • Silvina Laura Mercadal Universidad Nacional de Villa María


The following work proposes a reflection on the social transformations in the emergency context of Covid-19 that were part of a class with students from the Social, Political and Economic Reality Module during the 2020 academic year. First, the historical dimension is recovered of the problem, also taking into account that time is a vector that organizes our experience. Thus, we ask, why can't we think about time? What kind of time is this confinement? Is it possible to think about the future? Or is the future not being designed in the present linked to what from the doxa is called the "new normality"? The work recovers the contributions of Maristella Svampa to think about the action of the State and of Rita Segato with respect to the historical project of capital - as opposed to the paradigm of care -, in a plot where the micro-fascisms that operate in daily life are recognized and the deep anthropocentric perspective that conditions us to modify our links with a threatened alterity: nature. Finally, based on a series of aphorisms by Marcelo Percia, an exercise is proposed that makes it possible to think what is not thought: the body and the discomforts.


Covid-19, temporality, experience, State of exception, anthropocentrism


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Segato, R. (2020) Coronavirus: todos somos mortales. Del significante vacío a la naturaleza abierta de la historia. En: Lobo Suelto. (19 de abril de 2020).

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How to Cite

Mercadal, S. L. (2022). Reflections for a post-pandemic world or to shock the perception of a stopped time. Sociales Investiga, (11), 57–63. Retrieved from



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