Haiti in Latin America. Diplomatic Mission at a critical moment and the role of Argentine Ambassador Enrique Sella (1989-1992)


  • Julio Mariano Andreis Universidad Nacional de Villa María
  • María Florencia San Jorge Universidad Nacional de Villa María
  • Facundo Guelfi Universidad Nacional de Villa María


Abstract: The letter reflects the role played in his role as Argentine Ambassador by Enrique Sella from Córdoba in the Republic of Haiti between 1989 and 1992, also Ambassador to Costa Rica during the period between 1992 and 1995, from his story, to through the work that he left written. Previously, the reader is introduced, from a Latin American perspective, to the embryonic process of Haiti as the first slave revolution to succeed in the world, the fundamental importance it had in the independence processes in our continent and that, as we understand it, configures and conditions his present convulsed.


Haití, Foreing Affair, Diplomatic Mission, Ambassador, Enrique Sella


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How to Cite

Andreis, J. M., San Jorge, M. F., & Guelfi, F. (2022). Haiti in Latin America. Diplomatic Mission at a critical moment and the role of Argentine Ambassador Enrique Sella (1989-1992). Sociales Investiga, (12). Retrieved from https://socialesinvestiga.unvm.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/socialesinvestiga/article/view/388



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