Urban Governance in Cordoba city (Arg)

From the Banco de Inmuebles to the Reserva de Inmuebles con Destino Social, a failed implementation.


  • Leonardo Daniel Fernández Egresado UNVM- Lic. en Ciencia Política


urban regulation, public policy, RIDS, urban governance


At first, we will approach certain conceptual issues such as neoliberalization, modes of regulation, governance and urban governance; entrepreneurialism and a rights approach in public policies.

Then there will be a brief contextualization of the situation of production of urban space in Córdoba city in recent decades, to move on to the analysis of the Reserva de Inmuebles con Destino Social.

We will notice the changes that implied the approval of such regulation respect to the previous Banco Municipal de Inmuebles. We will note the positioning of different actors in the public debate in the treatment of the regulation modification.

Finally, we will carry out an analysis of the (non) implementation of the Reserva de Inmuebles con Destino Social, and its relationship with Urban Governance and with neoliberalization in the production of Cordoba's urban space.


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How to Cite

Fernández, L. D. (2020). Urban Governance in Cordoba city (Arg): From the Banco de Inmuebles to the Reserva de Inmuebles con Destino Social, a failed implementation. Sociales Investiga, (9), 34–48. Retrieved from https://socialesinvestiga.unvm.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/socialesinvestiga/article/view/351



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