Financial education of older adults: current situation in Argentina and challenges of Covid-19


  • Patricia Inés Musa IAPSC - Universidad Nacional de Villa María
  • Cecilia Ficco IAPSC - Universidad Nacional de Villa María
  • Valeria Elisa Mainero Universidad Nacional de Villa María


financial education, older adults, Argentina, Covid-19, deficiencies


Financial education (FE) is conceived as a process through which individuals can better understand financial concepts, know financial products and services, and acquire skills and abilities to make appropriate decisions in planning and managing their personal finances, which allow them to improve their behavior in this area and thus achieve greater well-being. In Argentina, there are important deficiencies in the population's FE, which is even more evident in the case of older adults. The special context of ASPO, which has been arranged in Argentina as a palliative to face the COVID-19 pandemic, has clearly evidenced this situation, which calls us, in our role as academics, to reflect on this important problem related to the elderly, who are the ones who make up the most vulnerable group and the one most affected by the pandemic. In this framework, the present work is proposed, which aims to describe the current situation of FE of Argentine older adults, as well as to reflect on the challenges that FE presents in our country for this age group in the current context.


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How to Cite

Musa, P. I., Ficco, C., & Mainero, V. E. (2020). Financial education of older adults: current situation in Argentina and challenges of Covid-19. Sociales Investiga, (9), 8–19. Retrieved from



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